Look what kids can code!

Coding in groups, either face-to-face or online, is still a new experience for many. Our classrooms have been full for seven years, and teacher-led online teaching started almost three years ago. But what exactly is happening in our courses? What we code with 5 to 18 years old? 

In our courses students code different applications and games appropriate to their age and skill level. Kodarit offers level courses for children from pre-school to adolescence. All courses can be experienced remotely or in class! Each level has its own theme.

Below, we collected a few examples in video format of what the exercises on each Kodarit level look like. If you watch the examples on your phone, turn your phone horizontally for a moment 🙂 The videos start just by clicking on the video.

Baby Kodarit:

In Baby Kodarit level 5-7 year old students practice basic computer skills such as drawing with a mouse and using the keyboard.


And of course, we also practice coding at this level. This is done with easy image commands.

Kodarit 1:

Kodarit 1 level starts with visual programming. In the first half of the course, we make stories and games on the Scratch programming platform.


At the end of the Kodarit 1 level, we start practicing Python programming.


Kodarit 2

On level 2, we continue studying Python in the Pygame game development environment.


At the end of level 2, we get to know web programming and implement our own responsive web page that looks nice on all device sizes using HTML, CSS and the Bootstrap library.


Kodarit 3

The topic for level 3 is JavaScript. With JavaScript, we code a pet care game that works on mobile or, alternatively, a space shooter game.


After this, the program includes creating your own paint program.


Kodarit 4

The subject of level 4 is game programming.

We start with a retro character rescue game.


Halfway through level 4, we move on to get to know the Unity game engine and the C# programming language.


Black belt

At the Black Belt level, we create a 15-hour coding project or two shorter projects. For example in the autumn of 2021, our Black Belt groups implemented the Unity 3D Multiplayer soccer game and React.js projects.

Unity 3D Multiplayer soccer game



A worm game implemented in the React.js environment



In spring 2022 our black belts made Unity 2D fighter games.


And this semester all of our black belt groups will make an infinity run with the Godot game engine.

Why to practice coding?

As you noticed from our video examples, our 5-18-year-old students create impressive projects in our coding classes. There is an ongoing shortage of software designers and game developers. We don’t code with careers on our minds in our hobby courses but our students are super excited when they publish the games on platforms that could potentially compensate game developers for popular games.

Would you like to start coding with us?

Typically our students start coding by joining our Kodarit 1 course. Our youngest students start with Baby Kodarit. Students are usually ready to move on to the next level after six months. At our Black Belt level, there is a new project every season, so students can keep developing games with us for as many seasons as they like. Registration for our spring semester 2023 opens on 17th of November 2022.

Start your own coding school:

Are you interested to establish you own coding school all across the world? Our licensing package has everything to start your local Kodarit school.

For more detailed information regarding our licenses, you can check our Licensing page on Kodarit website, or book a meeting with one of out team members.


Look what kids can code!