Kodarit 1
This course is suitable for beginners.
In the course we will go through the fundamentals of programming and game design in visual learning environments.
We solve programming challenges in Code.org learning environment, code 2D games in Scratch and other gaming environments and also get to know the programming of hardware devices with Micro:bit micro controllers.
At the end of the course we start programming with Python language in Code Combat and several other learning environments such as Codesters.

Kodarit 2
This course is suitable for those who have completed either Kodarit 1 Level Course or Kodarit summer coding camp. The same level have been potentially achieved through self-studies in coding, as well.
In the course we will strengthen what we learned in Kodarit 1 and learn more Python programming in Codesters and Repl.it learning environments.
We also get familiar with web programming which also includes HTML and CSS languages. Lastly we will cover machine learning (AI) and practice it in “machine learning for kids” environment.

Kodarit 3
This course is suitable for those who have completed Kodarit 1-2 Level Courses. The same level has been potentially achieved through self-studies in coding, as well.
In Level Course 3 we start practicing JavaScript. Learning the language starts by making a mobile app in code.org App Lab learning environment. After this, we will move on to a more traditional web programming and bring our website to life with the help of JavaScript; by including buttons and visual elements that add functionalities to the site.
We also get familiar with P5 JavaScript library and canvas method, which enables us to create our own drawing program.

Kodarit 4
This is course is suitable for those who have completed Kodarit 3 Level Course. The same level have been potentially achieved through self-studies in coding, as well.
We start Kodarit 4 Level Course by getting to know Unity game making environment that is used by professionals. We implement 3D treasure hunting game.
From Unity we will move on to P5.JS Java Script programming and we code a functional cat jumping game with HTML5 canvas.

Kodarit Black Belt Level
Kodarit Black Belt course is dedicated to those who have completed Kodarit 4 level course. The same level have been potentially achieved through self-studies in coding, as well.
The theme project of this course changes seasonally according to the latest trends in the world of IT and coding.

Kodarit for Adults and Youngsters Level 1
Suitable for beginners.
Kodarit for Adults and Youngsters is planned to last one term/period and it teaches the fundamentals of programming in visual, fun and easily understandable way.
In the adults' course we will go through the basic structures of programming by using visual programming environments in order to learn what algorithmic thinking means.
After this we will move on to practice the making of games and small programs in Python programming language.